What's Bugging Me

Friday, July 07, 2006

Hotel, Motel, Holiday Inn

From Sunday Scribblings, Prompt #15 is hotel stories.

This is a fun one. I have loved hotels all my life. I traveled for a number of years in my career, so I am used to living out of a suitcase. So many stories, so many memories.

Early Memories

The RoadRunner hotel in Houston, Texas. This is where my family would stay when we went on our annual trip to Astroworld. They had free breakfast, it was close to the park, and it was cheap. Win, Win, Win.

Memories of Solitude

The Loews Hotel in New York City. I believe it is on Park Avenue. I had a coupon for a BOGO free night. This hotel had a bed that sucked me in so far, that I barely left it for the entire weekend. I arrived on a Friday evening, ordered room service, and sank into that bed to watch movies. Which I did until late Saturday afternoon. I had a friend in the city - Ramzi - so, I met him in Central Park for awhile. We had an early dinner, and then back to the hotel I went. More room service, movies, and that BED! I went back to the city where I was working on Sunday at check out time. I adore New York. I love the pulse of the city. But on that particular weekend, in that particular hotel, I loved just being.

Travels to Foreign Lands

I have had the great fortune to visit several other countries.

Toronto, Canada - Where I went to visit my (not yet, but soon-to-be) husband for a weekend while he was working up there. The hotel (a Marriott Courtyard) was walking distance from everything cool to do while in Toronto.

London, England - I don't remember the name of this 4 star hotel (it was not a US chain), but I do remember that my Mom and I could not open our suitcases at the same time. Tiny beds, but we were never in the hotel anyway. We did have a private bathroom. It was very close to a Tube station, and also close to several pubs. Really, what more can you ask for?

Scotland - All over the country. We spent a little over a week traveling about 1000 miles by tour bus through Scotland. As compared to London, the rooms in the Scotland hotels were enormous. In one hotel, The Hotel Thistle (I can't remember the city) we even had 2 (count them. one. two.) QUEEN SIZE beds! What luxury!

Prachinburi and Bangkok, Thailand - Talk about night and day. Prachinburi is about 3 hours by car from Bangkok. I went there for work for a month in July one year. During the work week, we stayed in a "resort" that had 1 inch cracks under the doors, rock hard single beds, and air systems that did not run unless the key was in the switch. (After a week, I figured a way around this) I'm from Southern Louisiana - I NEED my AC. The men moved floors after a week. The 1 inch crack I mentioned above? Yes - it let in the critters. Again, I'm from Southern Louisiana - and we likes us some critters. ;) I stayed put. The food, if that's what you can call it, was um...."okay". I lived on peanut butter crackers and snickers bars I had the foresight to pack from home. Still, the pool was lovely, azure blue tile, warm water, it backed up to a lake with some ducks, and most nights I had it all to myself. On the weekends, we stayed in a JW Marriott in Bangkok that was superb. There was teakwood everywhere. It was fabulous. I could even catch some TV in English on occasion.

Tokyo, Japan - I had to do some work in Yamato, Japan which is about an hour by train from Toyko. We spent about 10 days at the New Otani Hotel in Toyko. 5 star. Fabulous hotel with an Irish concierge who spoke something like 10 languages. Have you ever heard Japanese with an Irish accent? Loverly. This hotel had a tremendous Japanese garden which covered about 5 acres and had koi ponds, bridges, walking trails, places to meditate. It was serene. This is the hotel where I bought my bridesmaids gifts. Porcelain egg jewel boxes with velvet interiors, that played music. I also got a massage in my room at this hotel. That was cool.

What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas

Las Vegas is my favourite American city aside from New York. I love the bright lights of the strip and all the people watching. I've been going to Vegas for more than 15 years now. I have stayed in: The Luxor (with friends), Circus Circus (with friends), Treasure Island (with friends), Paris (with David the time we brought his Mom), The Aladdin (on our Honeymoon when we got upgraded to a 1400 sq ft suite that overlooked the fountains at Bellagio and the Eiffel Tower at Paris), The Venetian (where David and I stayed the first trip we took together, he joined me for a weekend, it was his birthday, AND it was the first time we both said "I love you"), New York New York (with David the time we brought his Dad to see Simon and Garfunkel). Viva Las Vegas! I'd tell you more, but well, you know.

Roaches Check In, and Kay Checks Out

When you stay in hotels almost for a living, you will have some bad experiences. They are too many to recount and I prefer not to recall most of them. I leave you with this: I have seen roaches, I have seen ants, and I have been too frightened to take off my pants.


  • "But on that particular weekend, in that particular hotel, I loved just being."

    Ahhhh, yes. I experienced that feeling once. You worded it so perfectly. Thank you for way you evoked my own memory. You said it perfectly.

    By Blogger Jessie, at 7/07/2006 10:36 AM  

  • So many hotels, so many memories! The New Otani in Tokyo sounds great, alas never in my budget.

    By Blogger Kamsin, at 7/07/2006 1:19 PM  

  • Scotland, I found, has the BEST bed and breakfasts on EARTH! We rented a car and toured the UK and Ireland for our honeymoon and never once booked a single room in advance. We simply drove until we found something that suited our fancy and in we went. We had a complete blast!
    I too, love Vegas! The rooms are so funky and unique and the hustle-bustle of the tourists definitely deserves a watch!
    Happy Sunday!

    By Blogger Going For Greatness, at 7/09/2006 1:56 PM  

  • Nice closing paragraph. You are quite the Vegas expert. Stay at Mandalay sometime...it is kind of fun to spend an afternoon out in the wave pool.

    Loved the travel tips

    By Blogger NuttersNotes, at 7/09/2006 7:38 PM  

  • Lovely post - thanks for sharing!

    By Blogger Emma, at 7/11/2006 5:07 AM  

  • I too love your last paragraph! Too funny!

    By Blogger Writer Bug, at 7/14/2006 1:34 PM  

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