Who Else Can I Still Be?

For Sunday Scribblings assignment #20.
Gosh, I think about this all the time. Sometimes I think I'm out of time, and I've missed my window of opportunity to do something great. Sometimes I just think that I could be so much MORE than I am. But, mostly I am where I want to be. Well, except for my image issues.
What I really hope I can still be is a good role model for my beautiful daughter. She is 9 1/2 months old. And she is beautiful. And she is petite. (And, God how I hope she stays that way.)
However, what I want to be is the kind of mother, no - the kind of woman, that she can look up to. A woman who does not have the perfect body, but has the perfect spirit. A woman who knows that she is worth way more than what the beauty magazines would have her believe. A woman who is confidant enough in her abilities to not worry about what anyone else thinks. A woman who can say "fat" and "beautiful" in the same sentence. And mean it.
This is what I want for me. This is what I want for my daughter. This is what I want for ALL of our daughters. We ARE more.
I'm not sure that fat and beautiful belong in the same sentence, not because you have to be thin to be beautiful but because beauty is about so much more than body size or appearance. The beauty magazines lie to us by focusing on the physical alone, but I really believe that self worth comes from knowing who we are and where we belong in the world not from how we look. Anyway, I could go on and on about this issue, although I'm a long way from having it worked out! You have a beautiful little girl and I know she will love and look up to you. You are right we ARE more!
Kamsin, at 8/20/2006 2:10 PM
Kay, this is so true and hits very close to home. Love you and that beautiful little girl, of course!
ShannonK, at 8/22/2006 10:55 AM
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